25 November 2013
For the first of our product reviews, we take a closer look at Bangla Beer. This is always popular with the curry club but is unfortunately much rarer than either Cobra or Kingfisher, who currently dominate the curry house beer market.
Bangla comes in a striking green bottle and its bright green and gold label features Bengali text and a map of Bangladesh on the front. Quite rightly, it emphasises that its origins are Bangladeshi rather than Indian, as are most curry houses. However, like almost all Asian beers found in this country, it is in fact brewed in the UK.
The beer is an attractive clear amber colour and there’s a good head which, as it dies down, leaves a nice foamy top. Its smell is rich and grainy with a hint of spice.
As you would hope with a beer aimed at the curry market, Bangla has a crisp and clean flavour but it’s more than just a tongue cooling lager. Its taste is dry and hoppy as well as refreshing. There’s a full flavour and it’s actually more ale-like, than you might expect.